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Postgraduate Research Colloquium

The first Postgraduate Research Colloquium for September 2010 semester for students, staff and the public, was organised by the School of Graduate Studies at AeU on Sunday, 31st October 2010.

The primary objective of the colloquium is to assist postgraduate students in preparing their research proposals for defense. It is also a platform for students to present their preliminary proposals in a mock proposal defense session with their supervisors and peers as part of the learning process.

In his welcoming remarks Prof Dr Mak Chai, Vice President, International and Quality, reiterated AeU’s full support to the students who were also advised to time manage their studies well to complete their postgraduate degree within the stipulated period.

YBhg Prof Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, AeU’s Adjunct Professor and currently the Deputy Vice-Chancellor at INTI University College, Laureate International Universities (INTI-UC) was the main speaker.

This was followed by two parallel sessions of proposal presentations by students from Business Administration and Education under the guidance of the respective Deans.